Santa Barbara, CA 93109

Single-Family Homes


Santa Barbara, CA 93109

Fri Jun 28 2024
This week the median list price for Santa Barbara, CA 93109 is $3,675,000 with the market action index hovering around 38. This is an increase over last month's market action index of 33. Inventory has increased to 15. Click here to stay informed with the Santa Barbara market!

Market Action Index

This answers “How’s the Market?” by comparing rate of sales versus inventory.

Slight Seller's Advantage

Market conditions have recently resumed tightening. As the rate of home sales increases relative to the number of homes on the market, the Market Action Index increases. Even though the MAI is technically in the Seller’s zone, prices have not yet started climbing along with the changes in Market Action, but expect them to do so if the trend continues.

Santa Barbara, CA 93109

Fri Jun 28 2024
This week the median list price for Santa Barbara, CA 93109 is $3,675,000 with the market action index hovering around 38. This is an increase over last month's market action index of 33. Inventory has increased to 15. Click here to stay informed with the Santa Barbara market!

Market Action Index

This answers “How’s the Market?” by comparing rate of sales versus inventory.

Slight Seller's Advantage

Market conditions have recently resumed tightening. As the rate of home sales increases relative to the number of homes on the market, the Market Action Index increases. Even though the MAI is technically in the Seller’s zone, prices have not yet started climbing along with the changes in Market Action, but expect them to do so if the trend continues.

Real-Time Market Profile

Never miss important changes in the Santa Barbara market.
Median List Price $3,675,000
Median Price of New Listings $1,995,000
Per Square Foot $1,775
Average Days on Market 122
Median Days on Market 70
Price Decreased 40%
Price Increased 0%
Relisted 7%
Inventory 15
Median Rent
Market Action 38
Slight Seller's Advantage

Prices in this zip code been on a downward trend recently and this week, while essentially flat, doesn’t break us out of that cycle. Watch the Market Action Index for any signs of demand increasing.

Market Segments

Each segment below represents approximately 25% of the market ordered by price.

Median Price Sq. Ft. Lot Size Beds Bath Age New Absorbed DOM
$8,990,000 3,112 1 - 2.5 acres 4 4 53 1 0 77
$5,193,400 1,312 0.25 - 0.5 acre 2 1.5 45 0 0 171
$3,095,000 1,654 8,000 - 10,000 sqft 3 2.5 65 0 0 59
$1,995,000 1,256 8,000 - 10,000 sqft 3 2 67 2 1 17