Dive Deeper with Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics is Altos’ data visualization platform that enables you to run your own database queries against Altos data to develop fresh insights into the market. Use Advanced Analytics to discover trends, forecast market conditions, spot market shifts, and more.

See Altos in Action
AA Website Chart with Background
Altos Advanced analytics dashboard

Ask questions like:

-Where should my client be looking for a home in their price range?

-Which zips have the best opportunities for buyers right now?

-Which markets are cooling the fastest?

-How competitive is my client’s desired area?

-Which markets should we invest in?

… and more.

Key features include:

-Easy-to-use query interface

-150+ stats & designs

-Comparison rankings

-Dashboard of favorite charts

-Export to your website & socials

Altos Advanced analytics pendings

Ready for next-level market intelligence?

Schedule a demo and strategy session today.